Three Ways You Can Avoid the Seasonal Flu

sick woman with a blanket on blowing her nose into a tissue

Each year, the seasonal flu hits millions. The flu can knock you down hard, impacting your work, home, and school life. Though it may seem inevitable during the winter months, there are ways to reduce your chances of catching the flu each year. By being proactive, you can protect yourself and your loved ones with these measures. Below, we share three ways you can avoid the flu this winter season. 

How You Can Avoid The Flu This Season

1. Practice Good Hygiene

One of the easiest ways to prevent the flu is by practicing good hygiene. The flu virus spreads quickly from person to person through physical contact or shared surfaces. By engaging in good hygiene practices, you can prevent this virus from spreading.

Wash Your Hands

Washing your hands is the first line of defense against the flu! Any time you wash your hands, you should wash for at least 20 seconds using warm water and disinfectant soap. Be sure to clean between your fingers and under your nails, as these are the places where germs lie the most. 

You should wash your hands several times a day, but the most important times are after coughing, sneezing, using the restroom, or touching shared surfaces like doorknobs and keyboards. If you don’t have access to soap and water, you can use alcohol-based hand sanitizer until you can access soap. 

Avoid Touching Your Face

The most common places flu enters the body are through the eyes, nose, and mouth. It’s easy to forget how often we touch our faces throughout the day, but we actually do it pretty often! Being mindful of this habit can prevent you from helping the flu enter your body. If you absolutely need to touch your face, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly first. 

Disinfect Common Surfaces

Viruses like the flu can linger on surfaces for hours, which is one of the most common ways they spread. Regularly clean shared surfaces like phones, light switches, countertops, doorknobs, and remote controls to reduce the odds of illness spreading between people in your home and workspace. Disinfectant spray is the easiest way to do this, but antiviral wipes are often more thorough. You should clean these surfaces even more if you or someone in your home is already sick. 

Practice Respiratory Etiquette

An important part of good hygiene isn’t just protecting yourself, it’s protecting others. You should cover your mouth with your elbow or a tissue whenever you cough or sneeze to prevent the spread of disease through droplets in the air. Dispose of any used tissues and wash your hands immediately to further prevent germs from spreading. 

2. Strengthen Your Immune System

Another important aspect of fighting the flu is making sure your immune system is strong and ready to protect you. Your immune system is your body’s natural line of defense, so keeping it functioning at its best is important to avoid the flu. 

Four important things you can do to strengthen your immune system include:

Eat a Balanced Diet

Your body needs nutrients to work efficiently, and that includes the immune system. Fruits and vegetables have vitamins essential to the body, so be sure to focus on foods like citrus, spinach, and sweet potatoes to boost your immune system. A healthy diet does more than just fight the flu – it sets you up for a lifetime of overall wellness.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated helps your body flush out toxins, so your immune system can run smoothly. Adults should drink at least eight cups of water per day. Herbal teas or broths can also help you stay hydrated if you want a break from pure water. You should also avoid sugary drinks and caffeine, as these can dehydrate you and weaken the immune system. 

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important ways to strengthen the immune system, though it’s often the most overlooked. A well-rested body has the energy it needs to fight infections like the flu. Adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night, but children and teens often need more. 

Consider Health Supplements and Prescriptions

Consider adding health supplements to your daily routine, such as added vitamins and minerals. Some prescribed medications like Tamiflu can also treat the flu, which can shorten the duration of your illness. 

3. Avoid Close Contact 

Finally, you should do everything you can to limit your exposure to others who may be sick. Flu viruses spread quickly through close contact, so taking precautions during daily interactions can help you stay healthy during flu season. 

If you know someone is sick with the flu, try to keep at least six feet away from them. The flu can spread through droplets when coughing, sneezing, or even speaking. Keeping physical distance can reduce the chances of coming into contact with these droplets. 

You should also do your best to avoid crowded places during flu season. Though not always possible, limiting your exposure to public transportation, packed offices, and large social events can help you avoid catching the flu. This is especially important if there is a flu outbreak reported in your area. If avoiding crowded spaces isn’t possible, wearing a mask or keeping your mouth covered may help you avoid the flu. 

If you’re the one unwell, stay home if possible. Keeping away from others when sick is an easy way to prevent the spread of the flu to others trying to avoid it. Even if you aren’t fully certain you have the flu, keeping your distance until you feel fully well is considerate of those around you. 

Final Thoughts

Avoiding the flu doesn’t have to be overwhelming. These simple yet effective strategies can be easily incorporated into your daily routine, reducing your risk of getting sick. Remember: practicing good hygiene, strengthening your immune system, and limiting close contact during flu season are all effective ways of staying healthy all winter long. 

If you have questions about flu prevention or are seeking medication to treat a case of the flu, reach out to us to get your prescription today. 

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